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Ilana Logvinov, DNP, RN, CCRP

Research Program Manager


As a Research Program Manager at Mayo Clinic in Florida, my experience includes independent conduct and oversight of all activities related to clinical research in anesthesiology and cardiology. Extensive experience in developing study protocols and study designs, contributing to the authorship of protocols and manuscripts, and providing financial oversight of various departmental research projects.

I have facilitated and completed several Lean Six Sigma projects that have led to considerable process improvements and efficiency in the Department of Anesthesiology and Nursing and throughout the organization.

Specialties: clinical trials in anesthesiology and cardiology, protocol development, budget preparation and negotiation, regulatory compliance, mentoring and training, strategic planning and innovation, project management.

Proficiency: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Outlook, Visio, EndNote, Wordpress, REDCap database, REDCap survey, NVivo, SPSS


  • Geriatrics
  • Health Promotion/Wellness
  • Research
  • Surgical/Perioperative